If you’ve ever been shopping for a pillow, you’ve probably discovered that there are a million different shapes, sizes, and types to choose from. This can be very overwhelming! There are choices of pillows that are made of down feathers, memory foam, or cotton. Some are meant to keep you cool at night and others contour to the curve of your neck. There is also the choice of whether you sleep on your side or your back. Pillows can be soft, or hard, and there are endless amounts in between. The list goes on and on and they are all varying prices. How can anyone make a decision? Here we will look into pillow ergonomics and what actually makes a good pillow purchase.

For many people experiencing neck pain, facial pain, or headaches, finding the right pillow is such an important choice. Millions wake up every morning already feeling a tension type headache or have a sore neck. Others have so much TMJ pain with waking up that even the idea of brushing their teeth or eating breakfast strikes fear. At some point, enough is enough and you become desperate for a solution. You end up buying a ton of different products from either the recommendation of a friend or what you see on TV. Maybe it ends up working, but more often than not, you are still searching for the perfect pillow.
First and foremost, there is not going to be the perfect pillow that works for everyone. Just like when deciding on a mattress, everyone has their own preference of how it should feel. If you are questioning your pillow, you may want to begin by assessing the age of your pillow. You should be getting a new pillow every year or two. After that time period, most pillows lose their ability to support your head. If that puts you in the market for a new purchase, the following should help you in that process.
The most important thing is to make sure it is comfortable! That may seem obvious, but many people become so desperate for a solution that they will try anything. If you don’t find your pillow comfortable, what good is it for you? You will be up all night tossing and turning and get poor quality sleep. That is only going to end up making your symptoms worse!
Once you find a pillow that you think will suite your comfort needs and allow you to sleep, it is critical to find the pillow that will be the right fit for you. The right fit will come down to which position you usually sleep in (hopefully not stomach sleeping).
Whether you are a back or side sleeper, your pillow is meant to support your head and neck in a neutral position. What that means is your pillow should keep your head relatively in line with the rest of your body. If you are on your back, you do not want your head to be in a tipped back position, nor do you want to be propped up. Both of these positions will result in excess stress on your neck and jaw.

If you are a side sleeper, you also want to seek out a pillow that maintains support for your head in a neutral position. You do not want your head to be bent toward the bed or propped up toward the ceiling. These positions, as mentioned before, will also put unnecessary stress through your neck and jaw that may result in pain and dysfunction. Also take note if you are placing your hands under your pillow when you are side sleeping. If you are having to do this, then your pillow is probably not supporting your head. You are compensating for your pillow and this is not an ideal fix.

Some people may decide that a pillow is not for them. The thought is that using a pillow is the actual problem. Going without a pillow is most likely going to place you in an even worse position than an unsupportive pillow will. This is especially the case if you are side sleeping without a pillow.

If you are frustrated with waking up sore and in pain every morning, check to make sure that your pillow is a good fit for you. If you haven’t been able to find a solution through your pillow and are still having issues, stay tuned for more advice on how to manage your neck and orofacial pain. Please contact me if you have any questions and we can discuss your situation. Reach out through email, phone, or check us out on Instagram and Facebook.