Why The Jaw Therapist?

Your well-being is our number one priority. We strive to help you achieve all of your goals.

One on One Care

You will always work directly with a Doctor of Physical Therapy to ensure the best care.

Specialized Training

Our doctor has advanced specialized training for the management of TMJ disorders.

Personalized Plan

Your individual goals will drive each treatment session.

TMJ pain? Headaches? Neck pain?

If you are struggling to manage one of these issues, The Jaw Therapist is here to help you find a solution!

With The Jaw Therapist, you will receive an individualized program that is designed to help YOU reach YOUR goals. With one-on-one care, we tailor our treatment to your specific needs.

Whether your goal is to be pain free or to be able to eat your favorite food again, The Jaw Therapist is here for you.

TMJ pain

We are now performing all visits in our new office!

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